PayPay(オンライン決済) メンテナンスのお知らせ - COCO case

PayPay (online payment) Maintenance Notice

Feb 20, 2024UrushimaDaichi

Thank you for always using COCO case.
This is COCO case customer center.
Regarding the maintenance of PayPay (online payment), we would like to inform you as follows.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and we appreciate your understanding and cooperation.


◆ Target

・PayPay (online payment)

◆ Date and time

・Monday, August 22, 2022 01:00 to 06:00 (24-hour format)

◆ Contents

・PayPay (online payment) system maintenance

◆ Impact

・Payments other than with PayPay balance will no longer be accepted.
*If PayPay or credit card is registered as your payment method, payment cannot be made.

・Charging and auto-charging from PayPay cards (including the former Yahoo! JAPAN cards) are not available.

◆ Remarks

・During maintenance, you will not be able to select PayPay Deferred Payment or credit card on the PayPay app, and PayPay balance will be automatically selected on the payment screen. If you are unable to pay with PayPay balance, please use a payment method other than PayPay.

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